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Aanslag in Spanje

Voordat er overal discussies gaan losbarten over de aanslagen in Spanje, wie er verantwoordelijk voor is en of dit iets nieuws zou zijn voor Europa, lees eens de Glazblog:
  1. Europe knows about terrorism. Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Germany, United Kingdom... ETA, Action Directe, Red Brigades, Red Army Fraction, Irish Republican Army, 17 November, and many others. Rivers of blood. When one says Europe needs its own 9/11 as a wake-up call, that's just stupid. We have a few wake-up calls per year since the 1970's, unfortunately...
  2. we already had "drunk as a Pole", "stingy as a Scotsman" and a few other very exagerated and sometimes racist insults. We have to add one to that list: "cretin and barbarian as a separatist Basque". But that one is not exagerated at all.

Je mening kun je op de bovengenoemde pagina kwijt.

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